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[Student Life] How to Move in Songdo Dormitory (MUST READ!)
게시글 내용

Please refer to the following guideline 1~8.

1. From Incheon Airport to Yonsei International Campus (YIC):


2. When you arrive at Songdo Campus, please go to DORMITORY "D".

YIC map: https://www.yonsei.ac.kr/en_sc/intro/guide.jsp#XXX

3-1. (If you arrive during 09:00~17:00 weekdays) please visit Room D113, which is the dorm administrative office.

3-2. (If you arrive during out of office hours above or weekend) please look for security office at the dorm lobby.

4. Please tell the officers in charge that you are supposed to check in, and let them know your student ID or name.


 Certificate of: 1) X-ray for TB, 2) MMR Vaccination (2nd injection)

6-1. (If you already took the medical check-up and bring the certificates) Please submit the documents to the dorm office.

6-2. (If you haven't took the medical check-up yet) Please ask the officers to keep your luggages at the dorm lobby, and visit nearby hospitals to get the medical certificates. (refer to guideline 7)

7. Visit Hospitals(Passport Required)

We recommend the following hospitals which are close to the Campus. Medical check-up at the other hospitals is also applicable. The certificates should be written in Korean or English. (If other languages, it must be translated)

** If you arrive in the dorm out of consultation hours below, please tell the dorm office that you might be able to visit the hospitals later on. 

a-1. [For TB X-ray]:  Songdo Best  Internal Medicine(송도베스트내과) 032-716-9797

- Price: 20,000 KRW

- Location: 6th Floor at Onesta Bld., 157 Songdo Gukje-daers, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (인천 연수구 송도국제대로 157 오네스타 6층)

- Office Hours: (MON~FRI) 08:30~18:30, except lunch hour 13:00~14:00 / (SAT) 08:30~13:30 / Closed on Sunday and Holidays

- Direction

  (1) Taxi(5 minutes / approximately 5,500 KRW): Show the taxi driver this sentence;  송도베스트내과 (인천 연수구 송도국제대로 157 오네스타)로 가주세요.

(2) Bus(10 min., 1,200 KRW one way): take the 91 bus at Yonsei Univ. - Get off at the ''Technopark subway station".  The Honesta Buidling will be right across from the bus stop.

a-2. [For TB X-ray]: Choi Sun Internal Medicine (최선내과의원) 032-859-7582

- Price: 20,000 KRW

- Location: 3rd Floor at Iriom Plaza Bld., 7 Sinsong-ro 125beon-gil, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (인천 연수구 신송로125번길 7 이리옴프라자 3층)

- Office Hours: (MON~FRI) 08:30~18:00, except lunch hour 13:00~14:00 / (SAT) 08:30~14:00 / Closed on Sunday and Holidays

- Direction

  (1) Taxi(15 minutes / approximately 7,000 KRW): Show the taxi driver this sentence; 연세최선내과 (인천 연수구 신송로125번길 7 이리옴프라자)로 가 주세요

  (2) Bus(25 min., 1,200 KRW one way): take the 91 bus at Yonsei Univ. bus stop and take off at "Songdo poonglim i-want 1st complex" (Routes: Yonsei Univ. - Techno Park IT Center - Campus Town Station - Sungji APT - Sinsong High School - Songdo Poonglim i-want 4th complex - Songdo Poonglim i-want 1st complex)

a-3. [For TB X-ray]: Yeonsu-gu Health Center (연수구보건소) 032-749-8000, http://www.yeonsu.go.kr/clinic/

- Price (much cheaper than other private hospital, but you need several days to pick up the certificates)

  (1) For dormitory: 5,660 KRW (able to receive after 3 days)

  (2) For the Immigration office: 5,000 KRW (able to receive after 1 week)

- Location: 13, Hambangmoe-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon (인천 연수구 함박뫼로 13 연수구보건소)

- Office Hours: Weekdays 09:00~18:00

* You could show the following sentence to the hospital:

안녕하세요. 연세대학교 연합신학대학원 입학 예정인 외국인 학생입니다. 기숙사 입사를 위해 결핵 X레이 검사와 MMR(홍역) 예방접종 확인서가 필요합니다. 오늘 확인서를 내지 못하면 기숙사에 들어갈 수 없다고 합니다. 당일 발급이 어려우시면 우선 기숙사 행정실에 제출할 수 있도록 '이 학생은 00월 00일 ~~검사 가능합니다'와 같은 확인증을 하나 떼어주시면 감사하겠습니다. 한국어 의사소통이 필요하시면 연세대학교 기숙사 032-749-5203으로 전화 부탁드립니다. 도와주셔서 감사합니다.

c. In case of process on hold or waiting due to lack of vaccination or result analysis, please ask the hospital to issue the certificate of expected issuance for medical check-up to submit to the dorm office

8. Your room is assigned in Dormitory "F". The officers in charge will give you the room card.

Thank you for your kind coopertation.

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Guidance for Student ID Card Issuance