모바일 메뉴 닫기


Course introduction

Course list of undergraduate courses

학부교과목 목록
Course Code Course Code Course
in English
ECO1101 경제수학 I
(Mathematics for Economics I)
O This course covers major topics in mathematics which are necessary for studying advanced theories in Economics and statistics and introduce how mathematics is utilized in Economics. The topics covered in this course are principal subjects in linear algebra, differential of the multivariable function transcendental function and optimization theory.
ECO1102 경제수학 II
(Mathematics for Economics II)
X This course covers basic Mathematics required to understand the optimization theory, and explain the Kuhn-Tucker Condition, maximization theory, and optimization theory. This course also explains how the optimization theory is applied in Economics.
ECO1103 미시경제원론
(Principles of Microeconomics)
O This course explores the behavior and interrelationship of aggregated economic units (households, corporatesfirms, government, international realms) and analyzes how macroeconomic variables such as national income, consumptions, savings, investment, employment, price, money, wage, and interest are determined
ECO1104 거시경제원론
(Principles of Macroeconomics)
O This course explores the behavior and interrelationship of aggregated economic units (households, corporatesfirms, government, international realms) and analyzes how macroeconomic variables such as national income, consumptions, savings, investment, employment, price, money, wage, and interest are determined
ECO2001 주니어세미나
(Junior Seminar)
ECO2101 거시경제학
O This course covers a broad range of macroeconomic topics such as national production, income, unemployment, and inflation. In particular, this course compares the New Keynesian theory and the Real business cycle theory, which are the major trends of macroeconomics in recent years. We discuss how macroeconomic theory can be applied to the Korean economy.
ECO2102 미시경제학
O The objective of this course is to understand the main contents of Microeconomics such as an optimal selection of consumers and companiesfirms, efficient allocation of resources, distribution of income and so on.
ECO2103 경제사개설
(Intro to Economic History)
X This course examines the historical development of the world economy. We discuss the cause, form and the direction of economic development in each historical development stage. There would be lectures and discussions on the development process of the primitive society, feudal society, capitalist society, and the economic organization.
ECO2104 경제학설사 개설 I
(History of Economic Thoughts I)
X The course examines how economic thoughts and theories based on each periodic background developed into academic systems, theories, and schools through leading economists. Furthermore, it examines how the theories can be applied to Korean economic development.
ECO2109 한국경제사
(Korean Economic History)
X Analyzes economic activities in Korean history based on economic theory and examines changes in the economic system and stages of economic development.
ECO2113 국민경제론
(People's Economy)
X Examines the main issues the ordinary people face in their real economic life in terms of income, employment, housing, medical care, education, finance, and unification.
ECO3101 게임이론과 응용
(Game Theory and Its Applications)
O This course explains the basic concepts of game theory and deals with theories such as adverse selection, moral hazard, auction, negotiation, and signal. Based on this, we analyze the reality of collusion between oligopolistic firms, monopolistic corporate strategy, insurance market, corporate finance, labor market, the monetary policy of the central bank, and international relations
ECO3102 경기변동과 경기예측
(Business Cycle:Theory & Forecasting)
X This course focuses on the economic forecasting methodology based on overall comprehension of economic fluctuations represented by inflation and deflation and focusing on eliminating trends by looking at the real data. In addition, we will examine the impact of the financial system instability on the economic crisis.
ECO3103 경제발전론
(Theory of Economic Development)
O After examining the main factors of economic development, this course deals with structural changes, income distribution and equity issues, growth strategies by industry sector, and construction of self-sustaining economy.
ECO3104 계량경제학 I
(Econometrics I)
X We try to conduct an empirical analysis of theoretical economics using modern statistics and mathematics for economics. This course deals with the econometric models such as regression analysis, setting the econometric model, coefficient of correlation, multicollinearity, identification, and autocorrelation.
ECO3105 금융경제학
(Financial Economics)
X It examines the theories and realities of financial investment decisions, management, and supervision of the financial institutions. It also takes a look at the role and effect of the financial policy.
ECO3106 노동경제학
(Labor Economics)
X Students learn about the labor market and relevant economic theories with an emphasis on workers' social position in the modern economy, position in the company, determination of wage, industrial relations, labor-management agreement, and the labor union.
ECO3108 수리경제학
(Mathematical Economics)
X Micro and Macroeconomic theories are analyzed using comparative static and dynamic analysis, and various application problems are dealt with in this course.
ECO3109 자원 및 환경경제학
(Resource & Environmental Economics)
X This course deals with the dynamic analysis of finite depletable resources for efficient use of resources and sustainable economic growth. Harmonization of development and environmental conservation, economic analysis of environmental problems, environmental policy, energy policy, global environmental problems, evaluation of environmental resources are also dealt with in the course.
ECO3110 재정학
(Public Finance)
X This course analyzes theories and reality of general concepts of finance, fiscal budget accounting law, public expenditure theory, public income theory, principle and the effect of taxation, public debt, and local finance.
ECO3111 지역경제론
(Regional Economics)
X It deals with the problem of distribution of resources among the regions, such as the problem of industrial location and transportation, problems arising from urbanization such as the housing environment and the land utilization.
ECO3112 한국경제론
(Korean Economy)
O This course examines the process of growth and development of the Korean economy, the current problems of the Korean economy, current affairs (economic planning, the balance of payments, trade policy, and financial and fiscal policies).
ECO3113 인구경제학
(Population Economics)
X We analyze the size (birth, death, and movement of the population as the cause of change) and the composition (qualitative aspects such as academic achievement) of the population who the source of labor supply in the long-term and find their interrelation with the economic development.
ECO3114 후생경제학
(Welfare Economics)
X This course primarily aims at teaching techniques to assess economic phenomena or policies or to compare and evaluate various economic conditions. We discuss the Pareto optimality, principles of compensation, the theory of social welfare functions and their application method.
ECO3115 인적자원관리 경제학
(Personnel Economics)
X We analyze the problems related to human capital in the company such as recruitment, investment, and accumulation of human capital in the enterprise, income compensation system, turnover, and dismissal. We deal with the optimization problems of companies under information asymmetry and uncertainty. The model analysis is held based on microeconomic theory, along with empirical research on a simple example case.
ECO3116 경제정책
(Economic Policy)
X This course deals with theories and methodologies of economic policy that promote the welfare of society within the political and economic context of modern society. In particular, students study the role of economics researchers as decision makers and policy advisors in establishing economic policies in accordance with the public consensus within a democratic political system.
ECO3118 금융리스크 측정과 관리
(Financial Risk : Measure & Control)
X Measure & Control: This course explains the significance, importance, measurement methods and management methods, institutional and policy issues of risk management in the management of the business and financial institutions. It also examines major problems and limitations of existing risk theory and explores methods to improve the limitations.
ECO3119 금융공학의 이해 I
(Intro to Financial Engineering I)
X Financial engineering refers to the creation of new financial instruments or their handling procedures or the renovation of existing financial instruments or their handling procedures. Currently, the factors of development are the relaxation of the government regulation, the liberalization of the interest rate, the increase of the financial risk, and it seems that the ability to understand and apply these techniques is required for the development of the domestic financial industry. Therefore, this course aims to provide the students the ability to disassemble and reorganize financial derivative products such as futures, options, and swaps, whose values are derived based on basic financial products such as stocks and bonds.
ECO3120 금융공학의 이해 II
(Intro to Financial Engineering II)
ECO3121 경제학설사 개설 II
(History of Economic Thoughts II)
ECO3122 금융공학을 위한 수리적 이해
(Mathematics for Finance)
X Students learn the mathematical foundations necessary for the determination of the price of financial derivative and risk management such as Risk Neutral Probability, Martingale and Ito's Lemma.
ECO3123 계약 및 조직 이론
(Contract & Organization Theory)
X Students learn a more rigorous mathematical model based on microeconomics, and comprehend the basic models such as contract theory, industrial organization, and legal economics where the microeconomic theories are applied.
ECO3127 법경제학
(Law and Economics)
O The purpose of the course is to promote the comprehension of the law and social phenomena by analyzing legal phenomena associated with almost all parts of modern human society as concepts of economic efficiency rather than right or wrong concepts.
ECO3128 금융 계량 경제학
(Financial Econometrics)
X The financial market data shows distinctive features such as skewness, kurtosis, the concentration of volatility, so-called leverage effects, and other phenomena differentiated from other markets. In this lecture, basic time series analysis theory, generalized method of moments (GMM), ARCH model, unit root and co-integration are studied. This course also deals with the application of financial market theory including asset price model.
ECO3129 경제고전강독
(Classics in Economics)
X With the [real world micro] as the main text, of the critical economics of pre-school economics, we criticize the microeconomic theory taught in the textbook of [Principles of Economics by Mankiw] and seek a theoretical alternative.
ECO3130 국제금융론
(International Finance)
O This course deals with dynamics and organizations of the international financial market, order, and system of the international finance, multinational corporations, and foreign exchange system based on the analysis of balance of payments foreign exchange concept.
ECO3131 국제무역론
(International Trade Theory)
O This course explores the main determinants of comparative advantage and analyzes the general equilibrium of the open national economy. It also analyzes the main effects of tariffs and economic integration theory as a means of trade policy, examines the relationship between international trade and economic development, and the institutional aspects of international economic cooperation organizations.
ECO3132 근대경제사
(Modern Economic History)
X This course analyzes the development process of the modern economy and its impact on the contemporary economy. We explore the economic development process of major countries after the Industrial Revolution and examine the structural changes that took place in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This course also deals with the crisis of the world economy at the beginning of the 20th century and the recovery of the latter half of the 20th century.
ECO3133 산업조직론
(Industrial Organization)
O This course applies microeconomic theory to classify and analyze types of markets in a realistic way and examine the economic efficiency of the regulatory policies for various imperfectly competitive markets.
ECO3134 화폐금융론
(Money & Banking)
O In order to understand how monetary and financial assets are related to the real goods, we analyze the financing patterns of households, corporations, financial institutions, and central banks in terms of microeconomics, and the principles of monetary and financial markets in terms of macroeconomics.
ECO4102 경제계획
(Economic Planning)
X This course studies the government's role in the economy by reviewing the scope and process of government policies and plans and analyzing the economic decision-making process in a democratic society.
ECO4103 경제동학
(Economic Dynamics)
X Economic Dynamics This course introduces the concept of time to the theoretical economic model, examines the formation of equilibrium under dynamic conditions by comparing it with the equilibrium under static conditions, and discusses capital theory, economic fluctuation theory, and inflation.
ECO4104 계량경제학 II
(Econometrics II)
X This course deals with an empirical analysis of theoretical economics by combining modern statistics and mathematics for economics. This course deals with the models of econometrics such as regression analysis, the setting of the econometric model, correlation coefficient, multicollinearity, identification, and autocorrelation.
ECO4105 맑스경제학
(Marxian Political Economy)
X We will discuss the economic theory of Karl Marx with a focus on capital theory and compare it with the neoclassical economics to explore its values on the real world problems.
ECO4107 비교경제제도론
(Comparative Economic Systems)
O This course introduces the different economic systems from the capitalist economic system to the communist economic system, analyzes them historically, and appreciates them in various aspects based on economic theory.
ECO4110 공공 및 정치경제
(Public and Political Economics)
O In this course, concepts and analytical tools of game theory and information economics are applied to analyze the effects of election style, influence of interest groups, inconsistency of monetary policy, fiscal policy including tax and government expenditure, expansion of social security and change towards socialism, income distribution policy and economic growth, and the effects of electoral systems on economic policies and systems.
ECO4113 거시경제동학
(Dynamic Macroeconomics)
X The most common macroeconomic model in recent macroeconomics is the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model. The DSGE model is applied to economic growth, real-world economic fluctuations, new Keynesian macroeconomic theory, monetary and financial economics. Students learn quantitative analytical frameworks essential for understanding the advanced level macroeconomic theory.
ECO4114 금융자산투자의 이해
(Financial Asset Investment)
X Theories on the design and operation of financial assets will be examined, and practical application skills will be cultivated.
ECO4115 기업금융론
(Corporate Finance and Economics)
X First, students comprehend the economic characteristics of the corporate capital structure. In this regard, this course provides a theoretical framework of equity and debt structure. This course also explores the empirical characteristics related to equity financing and provides a theoretical explanatory system. Furthermore, students learn how economic concepts such as owner-agent problems and mechanism design can be applied to understand the characteristics of corporate finance.
ECO4116 산업과전략
(Economics of Industrial Strategy)
X Based on industrial organization theories, this course provides in-depth analyses of the strategic behaviors of firms in imperfectly competitive markets. This study deals with differentiation of the market including non-linear price and bundling, search cost and dispersion of price, product differentiation and advertising strategy, R & D and patent system, the durable goods market, and the strategic in the network market and two-sided market which are receiving attention recently.
ECO4117 시장경제포럼
(Market Economics Forum)
X Through systematic education on the market economy under the globalization system, this course aims to assist the comprehension of the Korean economy and corporates and provide realistic and effective economic education.