List of graduate school level courses
학정번호 | 과목명 |
영어 가능 과목 |
설명 |
ECO6201 | 거시경제학 I (Macroeconomics I) | O | This course examines the factor market, the commodity market, and the money market separately and integrates them into a macroeconomic model, examining the equilibrium of the economy as a whole, expands it into an open economy growth model. It deals with unemployment and inflation and the theory of rational expectation. |
ECO6102 | 미시경제학 I (Microeconomics Ⅰ) | O | This course deals with the market equilibrium by analyzing consumer choice theory, demand theory, production theory, cost theory and market theory in terms of household, corporates, and industry. |
ECO6803 | 경제학설사 (History of Economics Thought) | X | The major economic theories are studied focusing on the era after Adam Smith, and the effects on the modern theories are investigated and made into genealogy. |
ECO6804 | 경제사 (Economic History) | X | This course conducts research on world history in economic development aspects, examine various hypotheses and systematize them. |
ECO6305 | 수리통계학 I (Mathematical StatisticsⅠ) | O | Based on probability theory, probability density, function, and moment generation function, we characterize various distributions and discuss major theorems. |
ECO6272 | 거시경제학특수문제 (Topics in Macroeconomics : Business Cycles) | X | The capitalist economy experiences repeated boom and the. This course examines the latest theoretical and empirical studies on the causes and effects of economic fluctuations. This course will cover the theory of real business cycle theory of the neoclassical school, and the sticky price and wage theory of the New Keynesian school. Students are encouraged to learn quantitative analysis methods and apply them to Korean data. |
ECO6407 | 산업조직론 (Industrial Organization) | O | The purpose of this course is to learn basic concepts and analysis techniques in industrial organization analysis. In particular, it introduces economic issues related to corporate strategic behavior and the implications of establishing a competitive strategy. |
ECO6808 | 한국경제사 (Korean Economic History) | X | This course identifies the economic development of Korea by applying the mode of production and social composition universally accepted by human society to Korean society. We study the subjects and development factors of the economic development of Korea, the formation of economic rights, and the law of generation, development, and extinction at each stage. |
ECO6530 | 이자율기간구조이론 (Term Structure Theory of Interest Rate) | X | Students comprehend the term structure theory of interest rate and understand pricing of derivatives and hedging through term structure theory |
ECO6231 | 계산경제모형개론 (Introduction to Computational Economic Models) | X | Students comprehend and learn how to apply the input-output models and computable general equilibrium (CGE) models that can quantitatively calculate the effects of changes in economic policies, such as industrial policies, by building a realistic economic model based on abstract economic theory. |
ECO6549 | 정합경제이론 (The Coherence Theory of Economics) | X | |
ECO6112 | 수리경제학 (Mathematical Economics) | X | This course takes a look at the application of economic theories which are based on game theory and mathematical concepts such as calculus, linear algebra, set theory. |
ECO6113 | 고급미시경제론 (Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory) | O | This course is designed to help graduate students choose their thesis topic by introducing recent Microeconomic theories. |
ECO6821 | 경제사 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Economic History) | X | This course deals with advanced special issues in economics. |
ECO6331 | 계량경제학 I (Econometrics I) | O | This course deals with least squares estimation, generalized least squares estimation, multicollinearity, dummy variable, and variable errorestimation bias. |
ECO6332 | 계량경제학 II (Econometrics II) | X | Estimation of nonlinear models, identification and estimation of a system of simultaneous equations, and other topics will be covered to study time series data, lagged parameters, spectral analysis, and rational expectation models. |
ECO6273 | 응용거시계량분석 (Applied Macro Econometric Analysis) | X | Students learn how to analyze various subjects taught in macroeconomics and business cycle theory using real-world data. To this end, the course introduces major time series models such as ARMA, ARIMA, ARFIMA, ARCH, VAR, and VECM, and improve their application by actually estimating them using Korean data. In particular, this course introduces some of the issues that have recently attracted a great deal of attention in applied macro-econometric analysis such as asymmetry of business fluctuations, the transition of phases, and long-term dependence of economic time series. |
ECO6541 | 화폐경제학 I (Monetary Economics I) | X | This course deals with supply and demand of money, structure, and function of the financial market, portfolio theory, the role of the financial market in general equilibrium system. |
ECO6542 | 화폐경제학 II (Monetary Economics II) | X | This course focuses on the process and effects of monetary policy, means and operation of monetary policy. |
ECO6243 | 경제성장론 (Theory of Economic Growth) | X | Based on the theory of capital, we examine the characteristics of production functions, then deal with one-sector models, and further analyze the development of technology and the introduction of money. The course then explores the nature, stability, and uniqueness of the general equilibrium of two-sector models and expands them into a multi-sectoral model. |
ECO6244 | 경기변동론 (Business Cycle Theory) | X | The course examines the traditional view of classical and Keynesian school on the business cycle and the business cycle theory of the rational expectation school and the new Keynesian school since the 1970s. Based on this, we study the causes of the business cycle, mechanism of transmission of economic shock, measurement of sustainability of economic shocks, prediction of an economic turning point, and economic stabilization policy. |
ECO6545 | 금융공학 (Financial Engineering) | X | Financial engineering refers to the creation of new financial instruments or their handling procedures or the renovation of existing financial instruments or their handling procedures. Currently, the factors of development are the relaxation of the government regulation, the liberalization of the interest rate, the increase of the financial risk, and it seems that the ability to understand and apply these techniques is required for the development of the domestic financial industry. Therefore, this course aims to provide the students the ability to disassemble and reorganize financial derivative products such as futures, options, and swaps, whose values are derived based on basic financial products such as stocks and bonds. |
ECO6546 | 금융리스크 측정과 관리 (Measure and Control of Financial Risk) | X | This course explains the significance, importance, measurement methods and management methods, institutional and policy issues of risk management in the management of the business and financial institutions. It also examines major problems and limitations of existing risk theory and explores methods to improve the limitations. |
ECO6552 | 자산가격결정이론 (Asset Pricing) | X | |
ECO6548 | 금융경제학 (Financial Economics) | X | This lecture deals with theories and practice of financial investment theory, financial institution management and supervision, and major themes on the role and effects of financial policies. |
ECO6651 | 국제무역론 (International Trade Theory and Policy) | X | This lecture studies the theoretical analysis of the types of international trade, the benefits from international trade, theoretical analysis of the effect of the income distribution, the economic welfare effect of all trade policies, and the dynamic interrelationships of international trade and economic development. |
ECO6652 | 국제금융론 (International Finance) | X | This course examines the international balance of payments, the relationship between the international balance of payments and the national economy, determinants of the exchange rate and the economic effects of the exchange rate adjustment , optimal policy formulation of the open economy, and international financial system with the focus on the dynamic factors that drive variation of the open economy. |
ECO6761 | 재정학 I (Public Finance I) | X | We discuss the reasons for fiscal expansion, public good theory, local public good, externality theory, cost-benefit analysis, social discount rate, public pricing theory, and incentive system theory. |
ECO6271 | 경제발전론 (Development Economics) | X | This course examines capital accumulation, human capital, and technological progress which are major factors of economic development, and deals with agricultural issues, industrialization strategy, the role of international trade, income distribution, and housing problems. |
ECO6653 | 해외지역경제론 (Overseas Regional Economics) | X | The purpose of this course is to study the neighboring countries of Asia which have close economic relations with Korea. I will examine the economic development models and current status of each country, compare the strengths and weaknesses of them, and especially take time to analyze the economic relations with Korea in depth. The analysis of the economies of each country will be divided into the real economy and the financial sector, and the characteristics of each sector will be compared with other countries. Classes will consist of lectures, special lectures, and 3-4 days of overseas training. In case of special lectures, local experts in each country and region will be invited whenever possible. If this is not possible, local experts will be utilized. Particularly for the students of this lecture, there will be an opportunity to participate in the 'East Asian Capital Markets Training' supported by the BK project of the Economics Department of Yonsei University. The evaluation of the class will consist of the students' presentation, class participation, the training report, and the final paper. |
ECO6783 | 사회후생 및 보험 (Social Welfare and Insurance) | X | This course focuses on the social welfare system and the theory and analyzes the economic effects of pension, employment insurance and medical insurance system which are implemented as means of modern welfare policy. |
ECO6784 | 노동경제학 (Labor Economics) | X | This lecture theoretically analyzes the function and structure of labor demand and supply, labor market, economic effect of union, real wage and income distribution, government labor market policy. |
ECO6485 | 산업관계론 (Industrial Relations) | X | This lecture covers the theory of labor movement, structure, and function of the labor union, international comparison of the general theory, structure and procedure of collective bargaining, adjustment of labor disputes, the system of labor-management consultation. |
ECO6786 | 인구경제학 (Population Economics) | X | This lecture deals with the process of demographic change, the determinants of demographic change, the relationship between population growth and economic development, and population policy regarding population as a source of labor supply. |
ECO6787 | 인적자원경제학 (Economics of Human Resource) | X | This course analyzes the determining and changing factors of investment and return rate on human capital including education and training, and human capital management and compensation system in the enterprise. In particular, this course focuses not only on efficient allocation of human capital within a national economy but also on efficient allocation and utilization of human capital within the enterprise. This course also analyzes the development and management of human capital in terms of technological progress, uncertainty, and information asymmetry. The method of analysis will be accompanied by empirical analysis using microeconomic economics along with the theoretical model. |
ECO8872 | 이행경제학 (Transition Economics) | X | |
ECO6792 | 자원경제학 (Natural Resource Economics) | X | Based on Microeconomic analysis, this course deals with the dynamic optimal allocation of resources, the comprehension of environmental problems due to economic growth and its solutions, and the analysis of economic models and systems for the integration of environment and economy. |
ECO6893 | 맑스경제학 (Marxian Political Economy) | X | Based on Marx's basic logic in the critique of capitalism, Grundrisse, and economics, the course analyzes the issues of reproduction schemes, paragon, economic crisis, competition, state, and inflation, based on the theories of Marxist economists. |
ECO6895 | 통일경제론 (The Economics of Korean Unification) | X | The purpose of this course is to analyze and compare the economic structure, economic system, and policy of North and South Korea, which have heterogeneous economic systems, and to analyze the inter-Korean economic relations and mutual economic relations with related nations in North Asia for economic unification. This course also discusses long-term convergence plans for the two Koreas to reduce unification costs. |
ECO7401 | 경제와윤리 (Economy and Ethics ) | X | This course recognizes the limits of utilitarian philosophy of Bentham and tries to combine Kant 's liberal morality. After taking a look at Rawls' philosophy and Sandel's critique, this course introduces statistical induction to expand the horizons of welfare economics |
ECO8201 | 거시경제학 II (Macroeconomics II) | X | Based on the theory of capital, interest, and distribution, this course deals with the classical theory of single sector growth, double sector growth theory, the development of technology, the introduction of money, multi-sector growth theory, bubble and chaos theory. |
ECO8102 | 미시경제학 II (Microeconomics II) | X | This course deals with the issues of general equilibrium, uniqueness, stability, social selection theory, public goods, selection theory under uncertainty, information economics and game theory. |
ECO8753 | 재정학 II (Public Finance II) | X | This course deals with the issues of general equilibrium, uniqueness, stability, social selection theory, public goods, selection theory under uncertainty, information economics and game theory. |
ECO8821 | 경제사 세미나 (Seminar in Economic History) | X | This course emphasizes the special division of economic history and compares it with the problems of general economic history. |
ECO8822 | 근대경제사연구 (Studies in Modern Economic History) | X | Students study the economic development of countries who are late starters in industrialization. In particular, this course focuses on relationships with starting countries, growth and structural transformation, and interactions between economic and non-economic factors. |
ECO8824 | 동양경제사 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Oriental Economics) | X | This course focuses on the classification of the East Asian economic history, development stages, types, and exchanges in each region. |
ECO8826 | 경제학설사 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in History of Economic Doctrines) | X | We will study the formation and theoretical theme of economic schools, their relationship with other schools, and their development process. |
ECO8332 | 계량경제학의 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Econometrics) | O | |
ECO6992 | 거시/화폐금융 세미나 (Macro/Money Seminar) | X | |
ECO8545 | 금융공학세미나 (Seminar in Financial Engineering) | X | As previous financial engineering related courses focus mainly on the derivation of the Black-Scholes option pricing formula, they lack practical applicability. To solve this problem, the contents, of course, are divided into major products, and external experts recognized in each area are invited as lecturers to meet the needs of graduate students in the Economics department. |
ECO8651 | 국제무역이론 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in International Trade Theory and Policy) | X | This course focuses on recent theories on the determination of the international balance of payments and exchange rates and conducts empirical analysis. |
ECO8652 | 국제금융이론 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in International Finance) | X | |
ECO8271 | 경제발전론 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Development Economics) | X | This course will analyze the growth experiences of the Korean economy from three perspectives: economic and structural changes, promotion of equity and the establishment of an independent economy. The growth experience of Korea will be compared to that of other countries. |
ECO8812 | 맑스경제학 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Marxian Political Economy) | X | |
ECO8791 | 노동경제학 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Labor Economics) | X | This course will take an in-depth look into several research areas including wage and labor income, human resource development and employment, labor relations and collective bargaining, and government labor policies. |
ECO8792 | 도시경제학 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Urban Economy) | X | This course deals urban space structure under spatial equilibrium, optimal city, the housing market, transportation problem, environmental problem, national spatial policy and urbanization problem in developing countries. |
ECO8795 | 자원경제학 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Natural Resource Economics) | X | This course studies the challenges and international trends of industrial policy, trade policy, energy policy and environmental policy to achieve sustainable development. |
ECO6991 | 경제학 특수문제 (Advanced Topics in Economics) | X | Students will discuss advanced topics individually with professors. |
ECO7999 | 연구지도 I (Directed Research I) | X | |
ECO9999 | 연구지도 II (Directed Research II) | X | |
ISA6081 | Macroeconomics | O | |
ISA6083 | International Economics | O | |
ISA6101 | East Asian Political Economy | O | |
ISA6148 | International Economic Organization | O | |
ISF6001 | Trade and Finance of Japan | O | |
ZA694 | Korean Economic Institutions, Entrepreneurs and Business | O | |
ZC555 | Seminar on Chinese Economy | O | |
ZH501 | Macroeconomics | O | |
ZH503 | Managerial and Applied Economics | O | |
ZH541 | International Economics | O | |
ZJ595 | Political Economy of Korean Development | O | |
ZL506 | International Political Economy | O | |
ZL554 | Growth and International Trade Policy in Korea | O | |
ZL562 | International Economic Organization | O | |
ZL566 | International Money and Finance | O | |
ZU519 | Introduction to Economic Analysis | O | |
ZC563 | Chinese Banking and Finance | O | |
ZE507 | Economic Development in Latin America | O | |
ZH594 | North Korean Economy | O | |
ZI505 | Competition and Industry Analysis | O | |
ZI508 | Income Distribution and Poverty | O | |
ZJ563 | East Asian Political Economy | O | |
ZL513 | Comparative Foreign Economic Policy | O |