2024(including accepted/forthcoming papers)
- Chang-Koo Chi, RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, "Optimal incentive contracts with bonus caps"
- Seonghoon Cho, REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "A unified approach to determinacy conditions with regime switching"
- Seonghoon Cho, JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, "Generalizing demternancy under monetary and fiscal policy switches: The case of the zero lower bound"
- Jaerim Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, "Bound by ancestors: Immigration, credit frictions, and global supply chain formation"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, "Revisiting the monetary transmission mechanism through an industry-level differential approach"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, "Heterogeneity in the effects of uncertainty shocks on labor market dynamics and extensive vs. intensive margins of adjustment"
- Jihwan Do, RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, "Opportunism in vertical contracting: a Dynamic perspective"
- Eunseong Ma, JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, "Intensive and extensive margins of labor supply in HANK: Aggregate and disaggregate implications"
- Kwang Hwan Kim, JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, "Optimal trend inflation in an open economy"
- Chang-Koo Chi, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, "A dual approach to agency problems"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, "News or animal spirits? Consumer confidence and economic activity: redux"
- Jihwan Do, ECONOMIC THEORY, "Information exchange through secret vertical contracts"
- Soojin Jo and Myungkyu Shim, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, "Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Differ from Other Uncertainty Measures? Replication of Baker, Bloom, and Davis (2016)"
- Sunbin Kim, MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "Negative income tax and universal basic income in the eyes of Aiyagari"
- Jongkwan Lee, SOUTHERN ECONOMIC JOURNAL, "Does political conflict hurt immigration?: Evidence from the South Korea-China THAAD dispute"
- Kyung-woo Lee, MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "Government size and the effectiveness of fiscal policy: The bigger the Better?"
- Soojin Jo, JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, "Do housing markets affect local consumer prices? Evidence from US citieis"
- Kwang Hwan Kim, JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, "Inefficient International Risk-Sharing"
- Kwang Hwan Kim, REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "The paradox of price flexibility in an open economy"
- Kwang Hwan Kim and Myungkyu Shim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, "Are all economic fluctuations bad for consumers?"
- Semin Kim, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, "Stable constitutions"
- Seunghoon Lee, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS, "Monopolistic competition and efficiency under firm heterogeneity and non-additive preferences"
- Jin Seo Cho and Hyungsik Moon, ECONOMETRIC THEORY, "Sequentially estimating the structural equation by power transformation"
- Sangyup Choi and Myungkyu Shim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, "Inflation Anchoring and Growth: the Role of Credit Constraints"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, "Are government spending shocks inflationary at the zero lower bound? New evidence from daily data"
- Kwang Hwan Kim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, "Inefficient Relative Price Fluctuations"
- Eunseong Ma, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW, "Monetary policy and inequality: How does one affect the other?"
- Jungjae Park, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, "Debauchery and original sin: the currency composition of sovereign debt"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "Is domestic uncertainty a local pull factor driving foreign capital inflows? New cross-country evidence"
- Sang-Hyun Kim and Jong-Hee Hahn, JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT STRATEGY, "On the Profitability of Interfirm Bundling in Oligopolies"
- Kyung-woo Lee, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "Population aging and fiscal sustainability: Nonlinear evidence from Europe"
- Eunseong Ma, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, "The heterogenous welfare effects of business cycles"
- Hyungsik Moon, QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS, "Forecasting with a panel tobit model"
- Jaeok Park, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, "Core and Top Trading Cycles in a Market with Indivisible Goods and Externalities"
- Myungkyu Shim and Hee-Seung Yang, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR AND ORGANIZATION, "The rise of low-skilled service employment: the role of dual-income households"
- Myungkyu Shim, JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "On the Welfare Cost of Business Cycles: the Role of Labor-Market Heterogeneity"
- Myungkyu Shim, B.E. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, "On the relation between private information and non-fundamental volatility"
- Jin Seo Cho, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW, "Parametric Conditional Mean Inference with Functional Data Applied to Lifetime Income Curves"
- Seonghoon Cho, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, "Determinacy and Classification of Markov-switching Rational Expectations Models"
- Sangyup Choi, THE B.E. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS (advanced tier), "Uncertainty, Financial Markets, and Monetary Policy over the Last Century"
- Tae-Hwan Kim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS AND CONTROL, "Impulse Response Analysis in Conditional Quantile Models with an Application to Monetary Policy"
- Hyungsik Moon, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, "Panel Forecasts of Country-Level Covid-19 Infections"
- Hyungsik Moon, ECONOMETRIC THEORY, "A Uniform Bound of the Operator Norm of Random Element Matrices and Operator Norm Minimizing Estimation"
- Jungjae Park, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION, "Social Norms and Fertility"
- Sangyup Choi and Myungkyu Shim, MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "Labor Market Dynamics under Technology Shocks: the Role of Subsistence Consumption"
- Sangyup Choi, OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS, "Heterogenous gains from countercyclical fiscal policy: new evidence from international industry-level data"
- Youjin Hahn, Chulyoung Kim, Sang-Hyun Kim, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, "Endowment Effects in Proposal Right Contests"
- Sun-Bin Kim, THE B.E. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS (contribution tier), "Equilibrium Tax Rates under Ex-ante Heterogeneity and Income-dependent Voting"
- Hyungsik Moon, OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, "Minimum Distance Estimation of Heterogeneous Income Profile Model with Fixed Effects"
- Myungkyu Shim, THE B.E. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, "Optimality of a Linear Decision Rule in Discrete Time AK Model"
- Taeyoon Sung, JOURNAL OF CORPORATE FINANCE, "Investment efficiency of firms outside the business group"
- Hyungsik Moon, ECONOMETRICA, "Forecasting with dynamic panel models"
- Jay Pil Choi, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS, "A leverage theory of tying in two-sided markets with non-negative price constraints"
- Jay Pil Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS, "Transfer pricing regulation and tax competition"
- Jay Pil Choi, RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, "Optimal certification policy, entry, and investment in the presence of public signals"
- Youjin Hahn, ECONOMIC JOURNAL, "Friendship and female education: Evidence from a field experiment in Bangladeshi primary schools"
- Jiseob Kim, JOURNAL OF MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING, "How unsecured credit policies influence mortgage and unsecured loan defaults"
- Jiseob Kim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL, "Macroeconomic Effects of the Mortgage Refinance and the Home Equity Lines of Credit"
- Sun-Bin Kim, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MACROECONOMICS, "How Sticky Wages in Existing Jobs Can Affect Hiring"
- Hyungsik Moon, REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, "Estimation of peer effects in endogeneous social networks: Control function approach"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "International bank lending channel of monetary policy"
- Hyeon-Seung Huh, STUDIES IN NONLINEAR DYNAMICS AND ECONOMETRICS, "Combining sign and parametric restrictions in SVARs by utilising given rotation"
- Chulyoung Kim, Sang-Hyun Kim, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, "Exoneree Compensation and Endogenous Plea Bargaining: Theory and Experiment"
- Sang-Hyun Kim, CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, "Multilateral Bargaining with Proposer Selection Contest"
- Sang-Hyun Kim, OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS, "Identifying price-leadership structures in oligopoly"
- Sun-Bin Kim, EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, "Cross-sectional and aggregate labor supply"
- Jaeok Park, THE B.E. JOURNAL OF THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, "Decision making and games with vector outcomes"
- Myungkyu Shim, THE B.E. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "Leaning-Against-the-Wind: Which Policy and When?"
- Sun-Bin Kim, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW, "Individual and aggregate labor supply in heterogenous agent economies with intensive and extensive margins"
- Jay Pil Choi, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, "Privacy and personal data collection with information externalities"
- Jay Pil Choi, JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS & MANAGEMENT STRATEGY, "Platform market competition with endogeneous side decisions"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "Uncertainty and cross-border banking flows"
- Youjin Hahn, OXFORD BULLETIN OF ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS, "The effectiveness of single-sex schools through out-of-school activities: Evidence from South Korea"
- Hyun-Seung Huh, JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "An IV framework for combining sign and long-run parametric restrictions in SVARs"
- Jiseob Kim, JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "How foreclosure delays impact mortgage defaults and mortgage modifications"
- Sang-Hyun Kim, OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPERS, "In-group and out-group biases in the marketplace : a field experiment during the World Cup"
- Hyungsik Moon, ECONOMETRICS JOURNAL, "BLP-2LASSO for aggregate discrete choice models with rich covariates"
- Jin Seo Cho, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, "Pythagorean generalization of testing the equality of two symmetric positive definite matrices"
- Jin Seo Cho, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ECONOMIC STATISTICS, "Practical Kolmogorov-Smirnov testing by minimum distance applied to measure top income shares in Korea"
- Jay Pil Choi, INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC REVIEW, "A model of patent trolls"
- Youjin Hahn, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ECONOMICS, "Does greater school autonomy make a difference? Evidence from a randomized natural experiment in South Korea"
- Jiseob Kim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS & CONTROL, "Macroeconomic and distributional effects of mortgage guarantee programs for the poor"
- Kwang Hwan Kim, REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "Uncertainty shocks and the relative price of investment goods"
- Kwang Hwan Kim, JOURNAL OF MONEY CREDIT AND BANKING, "Intersectoral labor immobility, sectoral comovement, and news shocks"
- Sun-Bin Kim, REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "Pareto weights in practice: A quantitative analysis across 32 OECD countries"
- Hyungsik Moon, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, "Estimation of random coefficients logit demand models with interactive fixed effects"
- Jin Seo Cho, ECONOMETRIC THEORY, "Directionally differentiable econometric models"
- Jin Seo Cho, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, "Sequentially testing polynomial model hypothesis using the power transform of regressors"
- Jay Pil Choi, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, "You are judged by the company you keep: Reputation leverage in vertically related markets"
- Jay Pil Choi, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS, "Net neutrality, network capacity, and innovation at the edges"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "Aggregate uncertainty and sectoral productivity growth: The role of credit constraints flows"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "Does transparency pay? Evidence from IMF data transparency policy reforms and emerging market sovereign bond spreads"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "Oil prices and inflation dynamics: Evidence from advanced and developing economies"
- Youjin Hahn, JOURNAL OF POPULATION ECONOMICS, "The effect of female education on marital matches and child health in Bangladesh"
- Youjin Hahn, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CULTURAL CHANGE, "Education, marriage, and fertility: Long-term evidence from a female stipend program in Bangladesh"
- Sang-Hyun Kim, Jonghee Hahn, ECONOMIC THEORY, "Price discrimination with loss averse consumers"
- Hyungsik Moon, ECONOMETRICS JOURNAL, "Estimation of graphical models using the L-1,L-2 norm"
- Hyungsik Moon, QUANTITATIVE ECONOMICS, "Inference for VARs identified with sign restrictions"
- Jay Pil Choi, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL-MICROECONOMICS, "A theory of patent portfolios"
- Youjin Hahn, JOURNAL OF URBAN ECONOMICS, "Can testing improve student learning? An evaluation of the mathematics diagnostic testing project"
- Sang-Hyun Kim, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, "“Small, yet beautiful”: Reconsidering the optimal design of multi-winner contests"
- Semin Kim, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, "Ordinal versus cardinal voting rules: A mechanism design approach"
- Hyungsik Moon, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, "Many IVs estimation of dynamic panel regression models with measurement error"
- Hyungsik Moon, JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS, "LM test of neglected correlated random effects and its application"
- Jaeok Park, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY, "Repeated games with general discounting"
- Jay Pil Choi, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS, "Tying in two-sided markets with multi-homing: Corrigendum and comment"
- Jay Pil Choi, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION, "Communication of soft information: Reputation and imperfect enforcement of reporting quality"
- Sangyup Choi, JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "Variability in the effects of uncertainty shocks: New stylized facts from OECD countries"
- Chulyoung Kim, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, "Centralized versus decentralized institutions for expert testimony"
- Hyungsik Moon, ECONOMETRIC THEORY, "Dynamic linear panel regression models with interactive fixed effects"
- Jaeok Park, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GAME THEORY, "Competitive equilibrium and singleton cores in generalized matching problems"
- Taeyoon Sung, JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MONEY AND FINANCE, "The diffusion of corporate governance to emerging markets: Evaluating two dimensions of investor heterogeneity"
- Seonghoon Cho, REVIEW OF ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, "Sufficient conditions for determinacy in a class of Markov-switching rational expectations models"
- Sang-Hyun Kim, JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE ECONOMICS, "On the optimal social contract: Agency costs of self-government"
- Semin Kim, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, "On the self-(in)stability of weighted majority rules"
- Jay Pil Choi, SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, "Group contests with internal conflict and power asymmetry"
- Youjin Hahn, ILR REVIEW, "Do work decisions among young adults respond to extended dependent coverage?"
- Hyun-Seung Huh, JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMETRICS, "Econometric methods for modelling systems with a mixture of I(1) and I(0) variables"
- Hyun-Seung Huh, JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "Monetary policy and exchange rates: Further evidence using a new method for implementing sign restrictions"
- Jong-Hee Hahn, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS, "Interfirm Bundled Discounts as a Collusive Device"
- Jaeok Park, ECONOMIC THEORY, "Second-price auctions with sequential and costly participation"
- Yong Kim, AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW, "The price of experience"
- Hyungsik Moon, ECONOMETRICA, "Linear regression for panel with unknown number of factors as interactive fixed effects"
- Jin Seo Cho, Taehwan Kim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, "Quantile cointegration in the autoregressive distributed-lag modeling framework"
- Jin Seo Cho, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, "Testing linearity using power transforms of regressors"
- Seonghoon Cho, JOURNAL OF MONETARY ECONOMICS, "Macroeconomic regimes"
- Jay Pil Choi, RAND JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, "Patent pools, litigation, and innovation"
- Jay Pil Choi, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL-MICROECONOMICS, "Net Neutrality, Business Models, and Internet Interconnection"
- Jay Pil Choi, GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR, "Optimal compatibility in systems markets"
- Taehwan Kim, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS, "VAR for VaR: Measuring tail dependence using multivariate regression quantiles"
- Seonghoon Cho, JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "Refining linear rational expectations models and equilibria"
- Jay Pil Choi, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION, "Monitoring, cross subsidies, and universal banking"
- Yun Jeong Choi, B.E. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS & POLICY, "Life insurance and suicide: Asymmetric information revisited"
- Jong-Hee Hahn, JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS, "R&D investment, planned obsolescence, and network effects"
- Joocheol Kim, JOURNAL OF BANKING & FINANCE, "A parametric alternative to the Hill estimator for heavy-tailed distributions"
- Yong Kim, B.E. JOURNAL OF MACROECONOMICS, "Complementarity and transition to modern economic growth"
- Jaeok Park, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS, "Potential games with incomplete preferences"
- Seunghoon Lee, AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: MICROECONOMICS, "Monopolistic competition and efficiency under firm heterogeneity and non-additive preferences"