모바일 메뉴 닫기


National Health Insurance(NHIS)

Differences with Private Health Insurance 

- Immediate Coverage : The insured is not required to claim benefits after receiving treatment.

- Number and Amount of Benefits : The number and amount of benefits are not limited. *Beneficiaries pay part of the medical expenses.

- Co-payment Ceiling System : The upper limit of partial co-payments divided into seven levels applies to the insured depending on his/her income level. The amount paid over the annual upper lever is refunded.

- Pregnancy and Childbirth-Related Expenses Support : A card (National Haengbok Card) is provided for pregnancy and childbirth-related treatment and the purchase of prescribed drugs and materials. The card application can be made at NHIS branch offices or financial institution. 




   Enrollment Procedure :


- No action is required from students, as they are automatically subscribed to the health insurance by the NHIS.

- A NHIS Card and subscription guide are sent to your residential address in Korea.

* Nevertheless, if you fall under the following case, you must visit the nearest NHIS branch office.

(Visit the designated NHIS Center for Foreign Residents having jurisdiction over your residential address if you reside in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, or Incheon )

- Wish to pay contributions for your family as a group (including your spouse and minor children)

- Are an overseas Korean or international student (F-4 Visa holder) studying in Korea.

- Wish to report changes, such as the place of residence, passport number, or visa.

*If you receive medical coverage equivalent to medical care benefits by foreign laws, from foreign insurance, or under the contract with your employer, you may apply for exemption from the subscription.


Family Subscription and Required Documents :


 - Application fro Family Subscription

- Scope of Family Members : Spouse and children under the age of 19 (residing a the same address in Korea.)


- Documents to prove family relationship

1) Get a family relations (or marriage) certificate issued.

2) Have the document certified by the Foreign Ministry overseas or Apostille.

3) Have the document translated into Korean and notarized.


*(Validity of Documents)

Documents issued in Korea : Three months from the date of issuance

- Documents issued overseas : Nice months from the date of issuance or date of certification by the foreign ministry (Apostille)