Students may apply for all the programs without limitation on grades
Master’s degree program
가. Those who have received a bachelor's degree from a domestic or foreign university or who are expected to receive it before the time of admission.
나. Those who are recognized as having equal or superior academic ability by other laws and regulations.
Doctoral degree program
가. Those who have received a master's degree from a domestic or foreign university or who are expected to receive it before the time of admission.
나. Those who are recognized as having equal or superior academic ability by other laws and regulations.
Integrated degree program
가. Those who have received a bachelor's degree from a domestic or foreign university or who are expected to receive it before the time of admission.
나. Those who are recognized as having equal or superior academic ability by other laws and regulations.
※ If the applicant is not admitted to the combined program, the applicant is automatically applied to the master’s program.
※ Degree when graduating: Doctoral degree is conferred (Master’s degree is not conferred)
※ Suspension of the integrated degree: A master's degree may be awarded to those who meet the requirements for granting a master's degree.
Application procedure and method
Application procedure and method is announced at the Yonsei University Graduate School admissions board.
Generally, the procedure is ‘1st documentation screening🡺 2nd oral examination’
Applicants are judged as ‘admitted’ ‘candidate for oral examination’ ‘disqualified’ at the ‘1st documentation screening. ‘Admitted’ are admitted without oral examination, ‘candidate for oral examination’ must participate at 2nd oral examination and ‘disqualified’ are disqualified without oral examination.
Method of screening
screening Type
Method of screening
Documentation screening
가. Academic Plan
Comprehensive assessment of whether the student wants to enter the field the department is interested in, whether the student wishes to pursue a doctoral degree, or major after graduation.
나. Scholary qualities
Comprehensive consideration of completion of major courses, research experience, scholarship, and GRE Math grades
다. Foreign language examination
a. It is recommended to submit in official foreign language (English) test scores. When submitting the test score, additional scores are given at the evaluation of the documents
b. There are no specific criteria for the test score, but it is recommended that the scores meet the foreign language score graduation requirement.
c. Foreign language examination graduation requirement
TOFLE PBT:530 CBT:200 IBT:72
TEPS 327(New, Old TEPS 600)
Oral examination
가. Assessment of knowledge of mathematical statistics and general statistical methodologies
나. Assessment of passion for suitability for major