모바일 메뉴 닫기


The Department of Applied Statistics was established on December 30, 1966 as it recruited 20 new students in March 1967, accredited by the Ministry of Education.

As it can be seen from the establishment objective "to contribute to scientific planning and policy formulation by accurate statistics, which is an essential element of economic development," there was an urgent demand for scientific methods for efficient allocation and management of resources. The significance of the statistical methodology was newly recognized, and the Department of Applied Statistics was established.
The Department of Applied Statistics, which started with one full-time faculty member and 20 students at the time of establishment, has grown to a considerable scale with 10 full-time professors, 300 undergraduates, and 50 graduate students (Master’s, Ph.D. and combined degree). In addition, since its establishment in 1967, the Department of Applied Statistics has made remarkable progress, playing a leading role in the development of Korean Statistics, which was in a desolate state. Through continuous development, it will serve as the foundation to lead the Statistics of Korea in the future.

Meanwhile, in 1986, a statistical consulting center was established, aiming at academic research, statistical consulting and project, and statistical education. We are working on a lot of activities in the field of Applied Statistics both internally and externally.

1966.12 Accreditation to establish department of Statistics by the ministry of Education
1967.03 Establishment of department of Statistics
1986.04 Establishment of Statistical of consulting center department of Statistics
2004.10 Establishment of Institute of Statistical Science (Expansion of the statistical consulting center)