Introduction of majors
공공발전전공(Public Policy & Economic Development)

The economy of the a country is divided into two major sectors, the government sector and the private sector. In the case of the socialist system, the proportion of the government sector is large, and in the capitalist system, the private sector is large in terms of the GNP structure. Public economics is a study of the economic activities of the government sector, mainly dealing with finance and fiscal policiesy. In thea capitalist system, which deemsis most efficient, resources may be monopolized in theby market functions, which may could reduce production efficiency;, and the wealth and income may could be concentrated on a particular part of the population, creating the poor. In addition, a conflicts of interests between individuals and the public couldmay damagecause athe nation's economy to deviate from its orbit. Public economics is a study that has a practical purpose of promoting public welfare by complementing such deficiencies of thisin the capitalist system.
Specifically, it is a practical study with practical meaning to ensure that the national economy continues to achieve stable growth through by promoting the welfare of the people by through efficient allocations of production resources, and redistribution of wealth and income, and by adjustmenting the overheating and stagnation of the economy in the course of booms and recessions. In order forFor a capitalist system that dependings on the market economy to survive, the public economy - the government - must intervene in the market to compensate for deficiencies in the market function. We Students will first take a look atstudy the main factors of economic development such as capital accumulation, human resources, and technological progress, and analyze various systematic changes that accompany economic growth.
Even after the continual increase in per capita income and the exploration of consultative economic growth, which means structural change, the issue of equitable growth must be addressed. Reduction of absolute poverty, increase of employment, improvement of income distribution, and expansion ofding health care and housing supply are suchthe issues. In addition, students who want to major in this field will study the construction establishment of a self-sustaining economy, thus analyzeing independence of capital and technology, and also study about the deepening dependence on Japan. The relationship between international trade and economic development, and environmental pollution and urban concentration issues, which are the main cost of economic development, are also dealt with in this course.