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  • The Global Leadership Division has two standard majors: “Korean Culture”, and “International Commerce”. The Korean Culture major includes areas of language, history, philosophy, and culture, while the International Commerce major includes areas of economics, business, international politics, international relations, international law, etc. Also, through our “Self-designed Major’ system, students are given the choice to be associated with another college(excluding College of Dentistry, UIC, College of Music, etc.), to be acknowledged as a special sort of minor. If a student would like to as well add a Double Major, they are given the opportunity to have both acknowledged as majors.
  • For admitted students who do not know any Korean, during the first year of the first semester at Songdo Campus, they attend daily classes(9:00am~4:00pm) at the Yonsei Korean Language Institute on campus. For students who complete Level 1 through Level 3 at the Yonsei Korean Language Institute, they may receive up to 9 credits to be added to the total required credits for their GLD major. For students who complete the required 2.5 credits from related RC courses, and can take courses in English, they may receive up to 15 credits, which makes it possible to graduate within 4 years.

  • Yes, students of the Global Leadership Division do study for their majors starting from their second year, after receiving 1st year RC education at the Songdo Campus.

  • The Global Leadership Division is a place where one must live and study with other students from over 20 different countries. Students must not only be willing to take on the basic academic workload, but also the cultural diversity with an open heart and mind, as well as a positive attitude and potential for growth concerning the future and new challenges. It is with keeping these in mind that we choose our students.
  • The world “global” is one we are quite used to hearing, but at times can seem unfamiliar. Products, capital, labor, culture, etc. are all freely moving factors that form society. Within such a fluctuating environment, what sort of a person can truly be called a “leader”? A global leader is someone who with a foundation made through the ability to use other languages, and the capability to communicate, is able to understand a diverse society’s politics, economics, culture, international relations, etc., and is able to take on issues flexibly when faced with important matters. The Global Leadership Division is mainly composed of international students, students who receive their primary, middle, and high school education overseas, and students who have graduated from high school overseas. With the foundation of international experience and cultural sensitivity, students naturally become accustomed to cultural and societal diversity

    Students who are admitted into the Global Leadership Division are able to choose one of two standard majors: “Korean Culture” or “International Commerce”. Students who choose International Commerce will explore their field through an understanding particularly of Easter Asia and its society’s international politics, economics, and relations. Students who choose Korean Culture, without needing to have had received standard primary education in Korea, within a short period of time they will be able to acquire an understanding of Korean society starting from its political and economic advancements, by studying modern Korea’s context through language, literature, culture, and history.

    Regardless of what culture a student has grown up with prior to admission, if she or he takes on an active and positive attitude whilst taking on the political, economical, societal, cultural, historical, and linguistical studies here in the Global Leader Division, we are confident that they will truly become a leader who has a multicultural understanding of society, and how to communicate within it.
  • 1. [International Students]September 2016 Admissions Schedule


    2. [Overseas Korean Students*] September 2016 Admissions Schedule

    *Koreans who have received their standard education overseas during Elementary, Middle, and High School


  • The Global Leadership Division takes in new students annually in March and September.

    1. March Admissions

        A. 10 new students are admitted into the Global Leadership Division through the Early Action 
        B. Among Overseas Korean applicants(who have received their elementary, middle, and high school education overseas), some students are admitted.

         C. Among International Student applicants(whose both parents are not Korean), some students are admitted.


    2. September Admissions

    A. Among Overseas Korean applicants(who have received their elementary, middle, and high school education overseas), some students are admitted.

    B.  Among International Student applicants(whose both parents are not Korean), some students are admitted.