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Yonsei & GLD

Introduction to Yonsei & GSL

연세대학교 총장 김용학

Welcome to Yonsei University’s Global Leadership Division, the grounds of Truth and Freedom.

Since being founded in 1885, Yonsei University as an elite private school that was the first to introduce higher education and Western medicine in Korea, has stood side by side with the universities of the world, and produced leaders needed in society for the last 131 years.

Today, in a rapidly changing society, Yonsei University is being called to take on the role of bringing forth the new vision of higher-education in Korea. As such, Yonsei is completely changing university education and its research environment; with its rapid development of means for information communication, in what one could call a civilizational revolution. Indeed, as having been established for over 100 years worth of generations, we are all the more being asked for yet another advent of education.

Yonsei strives to provide education that will cultivate leaders for the next century. Since being founded in March of 2015, the Global Leadership Division has fostered global leaders that will carry out the Yonsei spirit of Truth and Freedom, Challenge and Creation, Communication and Sympathy, and Sharing and Serving.

Here at the Global Leadership Division, students will construct global networks with other students from all over the world. As they connect with each other through different knowledge and experiences, students will come to a creative way of thinking that will create new knowledge. Furthermore, we will continue to produce leaders that internalize the ability to respect, be considerate of, and share with others. Yonsei’s culture allows for not only material resources and talent, but also opportunities to be shared. This is the precious value that was first introduced by the pioneers that established Yonsei long ago.

I look forward to you finding your dream through the Global Leadership division, fostering your capability as a global leader, and contributing to the next 100 year history of Yonsei.

February, 2016
President Yong-Hak Kim