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2019 Yonsei Summer Session Course Demand Survey
게시글 내용

2019 Yonsei Summer Session Course Demand Survey

1. 2019 Summer Session Course Demand Survey will be held as below.

2. The course demand survey is conducted each semester to find out students’ demand on course offerings and open courses accordingly.

3. The survey results will be the basis of course provided, number of classes, classroom sizes etc. for the summer session.

4. We ask all students who wish to take the summer session to complete the demand survey, as it will help make better predictions.

5. Survey results may not be reflected in the summer session entirely, depending on course characteristics or any other circumstances.

A. Course Demand Survey Period

2019.3.26(Tue) ~ 3.28(Thur), for 3 days 09:00 ~ 23:59

B. Survey URL

Go to Yonsei Portal Services(http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) and select “English” from the top right corner for English service → Select “Academic Information System” → “Academic management System” → Log-in (Input ID, Password) → Click on “Course” → “Course Enrollment” → Wish Course Research

C. Directions

1) Go to the survey page above and select the courses you wish to take and click register

2) Students can register up to 7 credits

D. Target Students

All Yonsei undergraduate students & students on the leave of absence

E. Additional Notes

1) The list shows the entire list of 1st/2nd regular semester course & summer /winter courses (No separate course syllabi are provided)

2) Students are to select courses within the credit limit and cannot register for the same course twice

3) 2019 Summer Session takes place from 6.24(Mon) to 7.15(Mon) for 3 weeks, in total of 16 days(3-credit courses and 2-credit course both)

4) 2019 Summer Session will take place in both Sinchon and International Campus. Only a number of liberal-arts courses with multiple class offerings & courses designated by the managing professors (major courses and liberal-arts courses) will take place in International Campus.

Academic Support Team, Office of Academic Affairs