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Education Programs


The School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering offers graduate courses aligned with the research areas of the faculty. The courses provides students with opportunities to study diverse subjects and advanced topics. Graduate-level courses are scheduled at least a year in advance to allow students to plan their coursework. The graduate-level courses are categorized into i) core subjects, ii) advanced classes, iii) special topics, and iv) research & thesis.

  • Core Subjects
  • Advanced Classes
  • Special Topics
  • Research & Thesis

Core subjects are introductory graduate courses that often become prerequisite of advanced classes of special topics. These courses are provided every 1-2 semesters. Advanced courses include 1-2 subjects in each research area and may require prerequisite to take. The course are scheduled every 3-4 semesters. Special topics cover in-depth or trendy subjects and may have prerequisite to enroll. The courses are provided every 3-4 semesters. Graduate courses are open to students of all degree programs.

Research & Thesis Hours

Individual Research:
Students may opt for individual research to explore various research topics and opportunities. Students can take this 2-credit-hour course up to three times during their degree programs. This is technically equivalent to taking two regular 3-hour courses if a student register for three semesters. Students will earn alphabetical grades (A,B,C with +,0,-). Students signing up for individual research must take either engineering management workshop (EMW) in spring or expert seminars (ES) in fall.

Thesis Writing:
Students must enroll thesis writing hours in a semester that students plan to have defense exams. Students close to graduation must pay careful attention to enrolling thesis hours, since they are not allowed to take defense exams without signing up for thesis hours. Evaulation will be pass or non-pass (0 credit hours).

Technical Writing & Communication Skills:
This course covers technical writing and communication skills in English. Objective is to improve students' English writing and presentation. Students can earn alphabetical grades (A,B,C with +,0,-).

Engineering Management Workshop (EMW):
It is a one-day workshop that invites experts from various fields in industry to share their experiences and interests. Students taking individual research must also register for the EMW. This course is scheduled every spring semester.

Expert Seminars (ES):
Guest speakers from outside the school provide 6-10 times of presentations in fall semester. Students taking individual research must register for the ES.